Sunday, April 6, 2008

David is:

  • A Marine: because he says, "GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!"
  • An Artist: because he likes to color
  • A Chemist: because he likes to mix things, like milk and gatorade, or Crispix and Frosted Miniwheats
  • A Reader: because he brings me books for me to read to him
  • A Gardener: because he likes to dig with the shovel, and pull up weeds
  • A Mathematician: because he can count to 15 by himself!
  • An Astronomer: because he knows "sun" "moon" "planet" and "rocket ship!"
  • A Lover: because he gives hugs
  • A Family Member: because he knows his sissy, mommy, daddy, aunt, and cousins, and talks about them with no prompting
  • A Cute Little Boy: 'nuff said

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