Saturday, May 24, 2008

David Weekly #18

Hello all...

We've had a pretty good week this week. Last Sunday, David and I went to Lowry Park Zoo, because they had a special "Get in for $5" deal...usually it's almost $20. It's a quality small zoo. David and I went on a camel, which he said was "bumpy". He will talk about the zoo at random now, telling you things about it, way out of context. Elephants, monkeys...a few other animals. At the zoo, I wasn't at all sure how he knew about the frogs, but he knew something about them, and was looking all around for them. Everywhere there was water. His other favorite thing at the zoo was the kangaroos. He wanted to see them jump, so he kept saying "Jump!" to them, but they didn't move. He also liked the wallabies, which he couldn't quite say: wa-ya-bees. We saw the kangaroos 3 times!

Did I mention that David's favorite TV show is "Super Why!"? He asks for this show all the time, even when it's not even close to the time for the show to be on. He loves it! Today we played Super Why stuff on have a coloring thing...he's too young to control the mouse yet, but he sat in rapt attention at what I was doing. It was a letter-reinforcing activity.

David speaks for the most part in complete sentences. He doesn't have all the words, so he fills up what he doesn't know with something that sounds word-ish. So far, my favorite thing that I hear him say is "Ngingers" because he doesn't have the f at the front of all the words yet.

He actually gave me a kiss the other day, rather than offering his head to me like he usually does. So far, it is a one time event...

David has almost outgrown the 8 1/2 size shoe he has, so I put him in 9's. He loves his new shoes.

I also need to watch what I say to him. I tell him all the time to "Watch out!" for big and little things. So we were at the store, going down the aisle, and there was a man blocking the David said "Watch out!" to the man. The man laughed and said to me, "I like your kid!" with a big smile on his face. David is endearing. Also at the store he decided that we needed bread, so he got a loaf, even after me telling him we don't need a loaf...and when I tried to get it back from him he RAN! I fell over laughing, because he really wanted it! Eventually I was able to convince him to put it back...

We went to my nephew's graduation from kindergarten...whew! What a challenge that was! When we were sitting next to his cousin Avery, he was pointing me out to her and whispering "Dat's Rwusty" was very cute.

Lastly, we have a sample conversation between David and I:

Me:Do you want to eat?
David: NO
M: Do you want to watch TV?
M: Do you want to play cars?
M: Do you like saying NO?
D: Yes!

Have a good week...

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