Saturday, November 22, 2008


David this morning (Saturday morning) is hanging out with me in the bathroom while I'm taking a shower. He's talking to me...laying on the floor, and I can't see him since I'm behind the curtain. At some point, though, he tells me he has to go potty...and then takes off his pants, and his diaper/pullup, puts the little seat on, and sits himself down...and then he can't go, because he's already filled up his diaper. He was very unhappy that there was nothing coming out, but I told him it's okay, since he got another step of potty training: taking off his pants and sitting on the pot. (I'm going to have to teach him to stand up, too, at some point.) I was very happy! And of course, he demanded his 5 pieces of candy.

He understands the concept of keeping his diaper dry, but is not totally on board with it, though he did get on the potty all by himself today. It was such a surprise!

While I'm in the shower, I think of all the things that I missed in my last missive, and then I sit here and can't think of those things. I think maybe I've lost the art of letting my mind wander as I write. hmmm...

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