Friday, November 7, 2008


So David wakes me up this morning by rubbing noses with me. So incredibly cute. He woke me up yesterday with "Chicka Chicka Boom BOOM!" It seems there's a book out there that A, I don't know about, B, that David seems to know quite well, and C, that he really likes. The funny thing is that you have to insert cheerleader-like motion of his arms pumping left-right for each boom he says. He got this book, and a bunch of others, from a lovely woman out in CA who sent two boxes! One had a few brand new clothing items for him, and the other had new clothes and books in it. It also had a perfumed letter in it, just saying hello, and that she likes taking care of us. And I do feel cared about. What a wonderful thing. More importantly, it feels like the first time David's had brand new clothes since he was an infant. Amanda has always bought clothes at the thrift store, or gotten them from never really anything new. And I've gotten a few hand-me-downs from my sister, too, and then Kelly sent me some stuff from her son, who is now too big for a lot of that stuff. It's nice to have NEW things for David for once. Thank you Michelle.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, David has been waking me up in the middle of the night, though really toward morning, since it's typically 4 or 5 AM when he comes into my bed, but then he makes noises, tosses and turns...and then as soon as it's dawn, not even really light out, he wants me to wake up! And of course, I'm wiped out. We've been having some fights about him staying in his own bed, but he's inventive about why not: I'm cold, he says, or he asks me to cover him up, or whatever he can think of. So I've had to yell at him to stop touching me in the bed...he puts his feet or hands on me in random spots, enough that I'm aware of his presence and so can't sleep...then he cries, waking me up more. It's been a rough week for sleep.

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