Monday, June 30, 2008

More venting about David's party and other stuff

Hmmm...venting update. I hope to be done with this soon.

So, the ex calls this morning at 11 AM, and says in a voicemail: "I didn't know when the party was, so I thought I'd wait to call." I was soooo mad about this that I didn't bother calling her back, and she didn't talk to David until this evening. I went about my day, went to work to put in some overtime, picked up the boy from his baby sitter, and then called her. I asked why didn't she call in the morning, because there's no way I'm having a party at 8 AM on a Sunday, and she tells me that she slept in, because her day and night are getting mixed up (because she has no job, and therefore, no structure to her life). I didn't bother with more details of this stupidity, because it would have just made me mad. David talked to her for a while, holding the phone up to everything, using it to "show" her some of his toys, and the "party" that was outside.

For David, the party is the decorations and such for the party. The people being there and hanging out doesn't count as the party. The reason I know this is because he would want to go out and see the 'party' after everyone had left, and in the morning, after we got up. Oh, and he calls the pool the warm pool, and the hot tub the hot pool. It's very cute.

He told her he went swimming, and she asked me if he's brave enough to be in the pool not being held by anyone (like having some kind of floatation thing where he's guaranteed not to drown), and I said not really. He hates any kind of floatation thing. She claimed that she put water wings on him and that he was willing to float out away from her, but within arms reach, because he did this at her parent's house in their pool.

There's not a snowball's chance in H E L L that he will allow anyone to even pretend to let go of him in the pool. That kid hangs on for dear life, and won't let me let go of him in the pool. As long as he has me to hold him, he feels safe, and has fun. I think my ex is living in a fairy tale if she's telling me this. She 'one ups' me every time I tell her of some progress he's making. And I'm like, "Why didn't you tell me this before?" Her response: "I thought I did tell you!" At some point he was done talking to her, and I want him to use the time he has to talk to her on the phone, but she says not to force it...ugh.

Anyway, he's looking forward to seeing three weeks he'll be gone for 3 weeks.


PS Thanks for listening.

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