Friday, February 1, 2008

David's Fourth Week

David would like everyone to know that the solution used to blow bubbles does not taste good.

He's gotten me to stay outstide with him in the carport to blow bubbles. I'm learning that you can't leave him alone for a second because he'll do something unexpected, like try to drink bubble solution from the cup it's in. He took enough that it was really a funny bad look on his face, but nothing harmful. I was on the phone with my friend James at the time, and he says that David now gets a "freebie" later on if he curses: I will say, "David, when you were two, you drank soap solution for making bubbles, so I won't wash your mouth out with soap, because you did it to yourself." I thought that was hilarious. :-)

David Carries around three cups: gold juice, wa - er, and milk. When we get home, at some point he will realize that he doesn't have his cups. He is more interested in having them around, and making sure they are in a neat little line, than actually drinking from them. Although, he does like the OJ. He will ask for more, after drinking half a cupful.

I've compiled a list of words that he says, after reading about how kids at a certain age should have a vocubulary of 300 - 500 words. I don't think David is the age where this is right, but it was a fun excercise just the same. I came up with about 60 or so. I'm not sure if some things, like "Get it" should count as one word or two. He's figured out what a truck is, too. So now they are "guck!" which is the same word for "duck" too...

Pook - spoon or fork
Read da book
Boo - book -- foot book
Gitit -- get it
Sit dair!
Anmal book
Goose cow horse sheep duck dog cat milk gold juice bu-by (butterfly) peewee bears na-na go! No sing! Wa-er bye-bye dthash walk spider remote (mote) dis! Dat! Nigh-nigh color (cuh-yer) purple orange (ors) bubble ball see cup (40) up! Nur/neer (down) shoe sock eye ear nose mouth arm beet (feet) eat! (food or toothbrush or teeth) on off daddy mimi mom boy sissy car bus (60) box knee po-ye bob (veggie tales) green beep beebpeer (diaper) spongebob

A note or two about this list. I've left off a few more words that I expect, since I wrote this list a few days ago, and I realize that some of the words are situation specific, like socks that go with shoes...He's also getting better at repeating words that he hears for the first time. Another thing, I'm not sure why he hates it so much when I sing. So he says "NO SING!" when I sing, or even when I whistle. Maybe it's really that bad! :-) Interestingly, he does the hand motions for Kumbaya when I start singing that. He thinks it's great fun. And he makes me do it.

I've thought I should turn the focus to myself for a minute, but as I write this I can't think of why that was a good idea. Instead, what I think is that taking care of myself is at least as important as taking care of David. I'm making sure to keep up with the cleaning, and eating properly...oatmeal is my breakfast most days, with half a banana that David didn't eat from the night before. He loves fruit, but he never eats it all, so I save it for my breakfast. Dinners are usually full of vegetables, and whole grain bread, and whole grain rice (which takes longer to cook), and fruit, of course.

I've been taking David for longer walks...I realized that there's nothing that we have to rush home for, and we have a few more minutes of we're exploring the neighborhood. David is sooooo good about getting out of the road, it's amazing. He's very alert about cars, and very cautious. Of course, he's two, so he forgets once in a while to look...that's why I'm around. ;-)

For some reason, David has taken to sleeping on the floor...not sure why...I do know that he liked sleeping in my bed enough that one night he woke me up at midnight and then cried and cried and cried when I told him he'd have to stay in his bed. That was a rough night for both of us. The next night he slept okay with no problems.

Sometimes I think I should send this out on Sunday nights rather than Friday, since I seem to forget something that happened over the weekend. But I feel like I forgot something from Monday or Tuesday...The Monday before last we went to the doctor, and she gave him a clean bill of health. I figured out the coughing thing: it's something to with air circulation, post-nasal drip, or something else. He likes to go to sleep with a new air circulator thing with a blue light that David wants on at night when he goes to sleep. I had left the door open to his room one night, and he coughed all through the night. But then after another two days he didn't cough anymore. He was just sick. Nothing to do with his room. I'm not sure about his asthma, though. That's a tough nut to crack. I know that when he runs, and he runs a lot more, after a few minutes of excertion he will cough...I do know that when he's sick from now on, I will make sure to give him his nebulizer, only because I want his lungs to work at full capacity so he can cough up whatever it is...bronchitis is bad, especially for small children, and pneumona is worse.

So that's a week, plus some review from the previous week. I hope everything is well with you, and gets better.

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