Saturday, February 2, 2008

Good News

No, this is not the "Good News" from the bible. And it's not GEICO, either. :-)

I've just figured out that I don't really 'need' the child support that I'm getting from the ex! Whoohoo! I adjusted my taxes that are taken out of my paycheck, and if I work just 5 hours overtime per paycheck, I'll have everything I need without having to dip into the child support. On the other hand, I could work no OT and spend about 25% of the child support, and have the rest left over for emergencies...and naturally I will be investing in my son's education with the pre-paid college education thing...
so this is all very good!

I just have to remain disciplined with myself...which shouldn't be too hard since I'm not much of a spender one indulgence is premium loose hot tea. But there's only so much tea that one can drink...

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