Wednesday, February 6, 2008

To Sleep, perchance to dream

My DS is having trouble getting to sleep at night. I put him in a toddler bed about a month ago, and I'm discovering that over the last week or so that he's getting out of bed, playing with toys, doing anything else but sleeping. Then, sometimes in the middle of the night, he starts crying, but it's not crying it's a crying type noise...not quite moaning, but something. I'll bring him into my bed for a while, then take him back to his, and I'll find him on the floor in the morning.

Not sure what to do with all of this. Not sure why he cry/moans in the middle of the night, or why he doesn't sleep in his bed, or why he wants to stay awake until 11 PM or midnight! He's 2, BTW.

Last night I stood in the doorway and told him to close his eyes, which he did, and then I caught him checking to see if I was still there a few times until he finally feel asleep. I know I don't want this to be the situation going forward...I've yelled at him to get back in bed, which he does...he knows he's supposed to be in bed.

How do I resolve this? It's several issues all at once, it seems, and it's costing me sleep! He woke me up at 1, 2, and 3 AM this morning...I'm really concerned about whether this is normal, or what his story is. I just want him to be okay. It's also hard in the mornings because now I have to wake him up instead of him already being awake...sigh.

Y'all are great. Thanks.



Actually, this is great. You've told me two very important things: they don't realize how much time has gone by for sleep or not, and "transitioning" is a present-progressive tense verb: it's a "still ongoing" thing...not a one night solution. These two things reassure me. I remember when I was 5 wanting to go to bed at 7PM, and then I'd be awake at 5AM...My parents actually had to have me stay awake just a bit longer so I'd sleep more in the morning.

Oh, and you confirmed my thought about not being trapped in the crib. And of course, that I'm not alone. :-)

David slept better last night. I have to go in there every so often to get him to go back to bed, enforce the rules, etc...He woke up in a good mood today. But he was still on the floor when I went in his room this morning. I think it's because he can play with the drawer-pulls on his dresser. They're the lions holding the ring in their teeth. He plays with that until he falls asleep, I think. Maybe I should chill out about's a repeated motion kind of thing, rather than a genuine "play!" kind of thing. Repeated motion may help him fall asleep...he can't count sheep, after all, or say mantras ;-)


KM, (HDBsMama)-- It does help. I'm learning that there aren't "instant solutions" to these things. I've learned, for example, that eating a decent meal before bedtime, and not right before bedtime helps him sleep. Everything is a process...eating, feeding him, making sure he eats, and sits at the table to eat...a process. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. He's discovered that he doesn't have to be in bed, so he's not. Getting him to sleep...he does close his eyes when I tell him to, and when I stand over him, he peaks at me for a while until he falls asleep. But then he wakes up later is found on the floor in the morning. :-)

He hasn't voluntarily come to my bed, yet...I do appreciate all the kind words. They are helping me, and helping my son :-)

Melanie...not a repeat. David is 2 and a half...I was just realizing that David changed without telling me! He's figured out he's not stuck in his bed! David has a hard time settling down, too. Even with the "settle down" routine, he's still way full of energy. David never went to sleep right away in any case, but what's different is that he's getting smarter, and because of that re-figuring out his limits. Not sure who else pointed that out, but it's right on! I don't think I would have put that together by myself.

I'm so thankful for this board, and the great things people have been saying!

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