Sunday, March 30, 2008

What have you let go?

What have I let go since my divorce? Dirty dishes get done more often, the floors are cleaner, the laundry is done more often, the yard is looking better...I let go of a lot of negativity that was preventing me from doing things I wanted/needed to do. I've let go of a weight around my neck that kept me from writing wonderful things, having friends, going places, doing things.

I dealt with a spouse who wouldn't clean, but made a mess, who was mad at me for not being inside, who was mad at me for not being outside (whatever I did it was wrong), who wanted me to parent the kids all the time while she was reading yet another book!...she did do laundry some times, but that was her biggest contribution.

I have to say I miss "the critic" though, because she would tell me what I was doing wrong in terms of my parenting, and I became an even better parent as a result. But it turns out I can learn things on my own, and my son will still be okay! So I've let go of 'the critic', too.

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