Friday, March 21, 2008

New Schedule, Part II

So I'm on my new schedule now for 2 weeks...and it's working out sooo much better than I thought it would! The babysitter who had him before is good with the new hours, so I take him there at 2:30 or so, and get him about 11:30 or so...he makes a great transition from her house to mine. He eats better for me in the morning and afternoon than at night. We have a lot more time to play, and do things together, and I have time to do stuff in the yard, and I go to work energized because I got stuff done at home and played w/ DS. And had a nap.

It's hard waking up in the morning because DS likes to wake me up by fast panting at's funny how he does it. I don't go to bed *very* late, so having the nap helps.

We're getting adjusted. I just want to say thank you to all that gave me encouragement, and said good things...(and none said anything bad! :-) It really helped a lot.

I love having this extra time with him. We can take our time about getting the day started, we eat a good breakfast, do stuff in the yard (both work and play), have a decent lunch, a nap...I get more time with him when he's awake, and there's no dreaded rush element to our time together. We still follow a schedule, but for me, it's not so bad that I don't have a deadline to meet for bedtime, or dinner, or bathtime, or any of the other stuff. We go through our days without a care in the world...I do work one day from 8 - 4, which gives me three nights with him as well.

So things are good!

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