Monday, March 17, 2008

Things you do for your kids

I would like everyone to know that I spent half the night with a sick, stuffed up kid. He just wanted comforting because he could not breathe through his nose. I rubbed vicks on his chest, sat/slept upright holding him, using the bulb-thingie to suck snot out of his nose, and he wouldn't let me stop. Eventually, put the vaporizer/humidifier on, and that helped. But it took several hours of holding and bulbing, and etc...

I have lost sleep, and I have no one to tell, or share the experience! And I'm mad that his mother gets out of this difficulty. And I think about what he's lost, too, because his mother should be there, too, to lose sleep over him being sick, and he should know that she cares, too. Instead, all he has is me. And it makes me want to cry.

He's fine. Happily playing with his cars, and we'll go outside in a bit so I can finish some yard work, and we'll go to the store...

I just want to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. And I'm interested in the 'little' sacrifices you make that feel big. Like me losing sleep...

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