Sunday, February 14, 2010

I love being a dad...

I love being a father most when he comes to me in the morning, and asks me to hold him, in a chant almost: hold-me hold-me hold-me...and then I just plop him on my lap and we watch TV together, and kiss him on his head.

I love it when he tells me things. I love it when he listens. I love picking him up from daycare: "Daddy!" I love dropping him off, when he has no use for me: "You can go now!" (It shows his independence, and his growth.) I love writing about him, and watching his development, and change. I love how he fills my life, because when he's with his mom, my life is pretty empty. Not that I can't fill the time, or have my own life, but there's nothing like having this child in my life to worry about when he gets a fever, or giving him a bath, to make sure he goes to bed on time, gets a story or two read to him, and me looking in a sleeping boy who would rather wear his clothes to bed to sleep than the Scooby-Doo pajamas.

It's all kinds of wonderful to have this child in my life.

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