Friday, June 12, 2009

David Weekly, #61

David came back to Tampa last week, on Thursday. It's official: he can talk. He is fully articulate, able to express himself fully, with complete expression. Tonight after I put him to bed he asked me if I can leave a light on for him, since his night light burned out. It's amazing how your perception of a person can change in three weeks, or how much that person can change in those same three weeks.

David misses his mom. He is able to fully articulate that, now, as well. He tells me in various ways, and at various times, that he misses her, or that he wants to see her. Amanda tells me that she has internet at home, so I'm hoping that the two of them can interact over the webcam after he comes back again in August.

Another thing this week is that David and I have been spending some time as his cousins' house, going swimming, and just being there to hang out. It's the first week of summer, so I figured it was a good time for them to spend some time together. He's had a lot of fun interacting with Jared and Avery. He especially likes to annoy them. It took a day or two of that until they developed a rhythm of figuring out how to get along, which they did. Avery enjoys showing David the Webkins thing online, and he loves to watch. They also play some simple video games online.

It's been a busy week, yet it seems that not a lot has happened. Dot (David's primary babysitter) has announced that as of July 1 she is closing up shop, and not in the daycare business any longer. This means of course that I'll be seeking out a new babysitter for the boy.

I really think that's it for this week.


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