Sunday, April 4, 2010

David Weekly, V3 - 12

David's favorite shirt lately is a maroon Power Rangers shirt. He wore it on Monday, then every day before bed asks if he can wear it tomorrow. And gets upset when I tell him no. After his doctor visit on Friday, he wanted to make sure that he could display his sticker, and make sure the other kids could see it. He likes to display things, show off what's on his shirt. It gets attention.

David did very well keeping up with his cousins in coloring his Easter eggs. He put the colored pills in the water and dropped the hard-boiled eggs in himself. He put some stickers on some eggs and painted some other ones and I put glitter on some by dipping in a glue and then in a bag of glitter. I wrote his name on one and he was very proud of that and Avery helped him by writing on some of the other ones. He made a special egg for his Daddy.

David sings, at random, "New York New York"...just the tune of it. Da, da, da-da-da, da, da, da-ta-da da - (Start spreadin' the news...). I'm sure this is related to the dancing he does, but he won't admit it to me.

And he hates baths. Still. Tuesday he got to spend some time with his cousins. He loves them. And he liked playing with Avery's new kitten. Rachel said he was very hungry, and ate up everything in sight. And he has been hungry a lot more lately. And is eating more. He's asking for seconds on his cereal, and eats his dinner very well. He does try to eat the food at school, too. I talk to him about that. He admits that eating helps him control his temper and helps his mood (he simply feels better).

On a related note, we started making check marks on the calendar for each good day he has, in green hi-lighter (bad days get an orange X). I underestimated what a big deal it is to him that he gets a green check mark for the day he was in school. This has led to a complete turn around in his behavior at school. For example, he told me that some kid threw sand in his face and he told the teacher, instead of hitting the other kid. I tell him how proud I am of him. He rewards himself, too, without waiting for me, by getting himself some kind of treat when we get home. He also is fairly adamant that I put the check on the calendar when we get home.

And still more information about David and school: He's so competitive! I get to school one day and he comes in from outside, and he is absolutely bawling! He had been playing Red Light/Green Light, and wasn't winning. He wants to win so bad, and hates it when he doesn't. That may explain why the check marks on the calendar work: it's something he can 'win'.

Comedy for you: (it is a bit of TMI) David says, "My boogers are bugging me." And he's beginning to make up puns on his own. I know he hears it when he uses the same sounding word as different words ("they're" and "there"), but he actually combined the two different meanings into the same word. I wish I could remember what it was, but he said, "get it?"

Lastly, David says he misses his mom. I tell him that he'll see her in a week. He just wants it now.

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