Thursday, July 17, 2008

This week so far

I taught David how to use the camera. He's not quite coordinated enough to be able to point and shoot the right way, so he too a lot of pictures of the ground, and of the tree, and different things. It's interesting to see pictures taken from that perspective.

He's so excited to see his mom. I told him he has to take a bath the other day and he went to the kitchen, and when I asked him where he was going, he told me that he was going to walk to Missouri to see his mom. Every day he asks to see her, and his sissy.

I think I've figured out the potty thing, too. He's said he's afraid of it, and he's worried that it's going to 'catch' him. So I thought, what if he catches it instead? He liked that game, and had no trouble sitting on the potty. Nothing came out of course, but at least he's not afraid of it.

We went to the zoo this morning, and yesterday I made the mistake of telling him we were going before we went, and so he woke me up at way too early in the morning to get me to go.

He likes to wear red. He's like his mother in that regard. Very take charge and "let's go!"

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