Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hello all...I'm losing my mind tonight. I'm newly single, the ex-wife has moved out and moved far away (to Missouri! and I'm in Tampa), and I have my son, 2 and a half...So I'm all alone, and raising my son by myself. I don't really feel like I can go to anyone that I know with all of my feelings and thoughts regarding how isolated I feel, or all the other stuff I have as it relates to being alone...She moved out just before Christmas, and I've had my son with me since January 6...I've sent out some weekly updates to various family members (on both sides)...

So anyway, here I am, hoping for some support...

I find that it's easy to judge myself when comparing myself to someone else (my ex) who I think isn't doing such a good job, and makes me think I'm doing all right. But now when I have only myself to compare myself to, I find that I'm wanting. I want to be the best father I can be, so I know I have a lot of reading to do, etc, but still, I think talking to people is a good thing, too. Being social is very beneficial for both father and son...I feel a bit better writing this...Maybe I should blog, rather than write here? I need discussion, and interaction...

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