Friday, January 11, 2008

First Week with David

Hey Everyone...

I'm sending this out because I feel bad that Amanda is missing David, and it's important to do some kind of review to say what's going on with him, and with he and I.

I've had him go to bed each night at 8, and before he lays down we "read a book" this point, it's all about him pointing at the characters in the books, like Winnie the Pooh, but I read to him too, and show him how to turn the pages... David looks forward to that time of night now, and even has me read a book to him at other times, even as soon as we get home, or wake up in the morning. He sleeps in a toddler bed now. He's figured out how to keep himself covered with a blanket, as the first couple of nights he'd wake up cold, usually early in the morning, but now he sleeps until about 7, and is warm. I put him in pajamas at night now, as well, as part of our routine.

I give him a bath about every other day, which he hates. I'm still working to figure out how to make it not so bad for him.

His having a routine is extremely important to me, and will build his future. We try to sit together at the table to eat...He surprised me tonight by asking to eat the yellow rice I was eating, that I didn't think he'd eat. He ate the green beans and the ham and cheese that I set for him, too. He had a really good meal. He also is learning how to feed himself. I had a disaster in making some food on Thursday, so he asked for cereal, and fruit, and I gave him some yogurt. He did fine for himself. Lately he's asking me for water, and he calls orange juice "gold juice"...I imagine because it's the same color as goldfish crackers, which he also likes.

He is also beginning to name the different letters. He has a wooden board with wooden letters, and he can name more of them, rather than calling all of them "D". He is also getting better at imitating me when I name other things. He's better able to make the sounds, and repeat what I tell him.

He and I walk to Dot's, the baby sitter, which is two blocks away. When cars come close, I tell him a car's coming, and he gets out of the road "UP!" because it's up from the road about a foot. He likes to walk in the road, but listens very well when I tell him to get out of the road. And he won't let my hand go when we walk. It's so cute. He makes sure to have a firm grasp before we walk out the door. I also walk him to Dot's in the morning. The mornings have been cool, about 60 or so. I've been dressing him in pants, and a short sleeve shirt, and then he wears his red jacket, which keeps him warm on the way, and makes him very visible. :-)

We take some time to play in the evenings, along with all the other stuff. I don't get computer time until after he goes to bed. This weekend will see some laundry. He's really good about cleaning up after himself, too. He got out one of his Christmas presents, a bowling set -- pins and ball, all light plastic -- and we had a grand time settin them up, and him knocking them down. When I have to put them back up he says "Fix this"'s so cute. After I was done putting them up for the 20th time, I told him it's time to put them away, and he put them away! It was great. He did it with such vigor, in fact, that he broke a sweat. And he wouldn't let me help him, either. I could just offer praise. :-)

So that's my first week. The earlier part of the week is a blur...I got him from Matt and Virginia on Sunday night. Monday the thought was "This is the first day of the rest of your life"...what a thought. I made chicken for David at one point, but he wouldn't eat it, so I mixed it with peas, and he ate that. I like that he prefers vegetables.

He also opened up his presents from Nancy, Frank, and Marissa on Monday. He really liked them. "Beeps" he calls the cars. He really like playing with them. When we walk to and from Dot's he points out the cars, sometimes calling them cars, and sometimes beeps. It's so cute. I love walking with him. He's such a joy. The cars never stop being new to him.

Last thing. He's had a cough since he came back. I've been giving the generic CVS "Triacting" medicine at night for his coughing and runny nose. And it helps. I've also begun to give him nebulizer treatments...he must know he's having trouble breathing from his asthma, since he only put up a token struggle. It's helped a lot with his cough. He's doing better, and getting over his cough.


I thought of a few more things. For the first couple of days he'd have me sit on the couch, with him on my lap, and he wouldn't let me get up for anything, for over an hour. So I'd watch Teletubbies and Barney with him. I called Frank/Nancy on Tuesday to say Thank You for the Christmas gifts for David, and Frank wasn't very talkative. Maybe he'll change his tune for me sending these out, or just killing him with kindness. Nancy is better at talking to me than Frank was.

David doesn't ask for his mother, or his sister. He must know something is going on, or has happened. He doesn't try to go in her room, and the only time he says anything that sounds like sissy is when we pass the neighbor's house where Colleen used to play. That bothers me. And I don't know what to do about it.
I also don't know what to do about Amanda...I know he'll cry if he hears her voice...okay, I don't know that. He did that when he was away from me and heard my voice. How can I help him develop a relationship with her when she's so far away? I want to ask Frank to buy her a webcam so she can talk to him, and he can see her...but I don't know what good that would do. Maybe it's better that he forget her...but that's just as bad.

And David is asking for water, rather than juice or milk...All good things.

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