Friday, June 4, 2010

David Weekly, V3 - 20

Saturday before Memorial Day, David had a great time at the party we went to. Lots of people, lots of fun. He said several times, at the top of his voice for all to hear: "This party is awesome!" or "This is great!" Everyone got a big kick out of that. People would tell me how smart David is. David had lots of fun swimming in the pool "by himself"...this consisted of having a special floatie vest (the people whose pool it was allowed David to use it) and clinging to the side of the pool. There were lots of adults around, but I stayed close to the pool and kept an eye on him. He said something quite clever at one point, and I asked him how he knew that, and said, "I just thought about it." I hate that I can't remember what it was he said.

I think I mentioned last week that David really likes "Ultraman", and now he wants to fight me all the time. I figure I'll channel this desire into something which might be a better choice: karate. On our way to the party, we tried tk go by a place that practices the kind of karate that I would want David to learn, so he could see them in action, but they were closed, which surprised me. The type of karate I want him to learn is Goju-ryu, which is a hard/soft style of karate, and doesn't emphasize fighting so much as...the forms of fighting, which I find to be better than simply learning how to fight. We're going to try again this weekend to go and see if it's something he might want to do. He's a bit young yet, but I wouldn't start it until after he comes back from the Missouri, which means late summer/early fall.

Sunday, we went to Jesse's church, as part of the solution to David's "needs a friend" issues. He really liked Sunday School a lot, and asked to go every week. I've asked Jesse to see if she can connect us with the boys at her Bible study and their parents to arrange for play dates. David really wants to have someone come to our house, and he wants to be able to go play with kids his own age. That's also the rationale for karate: it's an activity he might be interested in, and hopefully there's other kids, too, his age.

We spent Memorial Day at his Mimi's house, and had a lot of fun! Mimi set up her pool in the back, and David and I spent lots of time in her pool. Douglas came over, too, and David and he just played and played and played, and had so much fun! When it was time for Douglas to leave, David cried for a long time. He really likes Douglas, and gets along w/ him very well.

Random from David: he tells me we need a new house so that we can have 2 bathrooms.

David started the week with two check marks, but then he missed Thursday and Friday because of a fever...which turned out to be strep. Thursday, I just thought it was a 24 hour kind of bug. He climbed into my bed, and was very hot! I gave him children's Advil (not the recalled kind, either), which helped for a while, but the fever came back, and this made him be very unhappy, whiney, and clingy. So on Day 2 of him not getting better, I took him to the Doctor, who diagnosed strep (and was very happy about it, too, because it wasn't an undiagnosable virus.) He's on amoxycillin, which I got free from Publix...We went to get a new thermometer at the drug store, and David wanted to ask the pharmacist what kinds of fruit helps fevers. Of course, none does, but David decided he wanted fruit anyway. Because we were in Publix, we did a little grocery shopping. And got peaches, apples, an orange, blueberries, and a few other things. While we were going around,
David sitting in the cart, he made a discovery: 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 11, and so does 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 11. He was very excited about it. I complimented his intelligence ("You're so smart!") and he replied that he likes being smart.

His fever has finally come down, and he's had two doses of the anti-biotic, so he's back to his usual self. We'll be continuing his treatment for 9 more days.

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