In what way are you hoping to benefit from the information? As far as where he went to camp, what he did, and what we did on the weekends, that's not exactly super confidential information. Anyone on my facebook page can see it. It was there for you to see if you were interested. Which is also that the way you're asking now sounds phony and conniving. Also, what's the thinking behind wanting to know his morning and evening routines?
There is still the question of how much boundaries between households should he be allowed? I never tell him not to tell you anything that he does or doesn't do up here. There must be a reason he would be unwilling to tell you something, so I don't feel comfortable betraying his confidence without more of an explanation, again, especially given the tone of your last "digest".
Why the disappearance of the "keyserver database"?
--- On Tue, 8/24/10, Russell Hires
From: Russell Hires
Subject: Re: While David was with you...
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 2:30 PM
I'm not asking for a daily accounting, but how about some of the high-lights, like, just a brief accounting of where he went to day camp, what kinds of activities they do there, his bed-time routine, mornings, what you did on the weekends, if he saw any of his other extended family.
On Aug 24, 2010, at 1:29 PM, - wrote:
I didn't say that, I just want to know what stuff you're sending me in email first. What exactly are you wanting to know? It's odd that he doesn't want to tell you? We do need to decide how much privacy and separation we're going to allow him as he grows.
--- On Tue, 8/24/10, Russell Hires
From: Russell Hires
Subject: Re: While David was with you...
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 12:19 PM
It just says that it's me, that you check against a keyserver database, it's proof of my identity, that the email was sent by me. I guess you're not going to tell me what happened for 5 weeks while David was with you?
On Aug 24, 2010, at 9:55 AM, - wrote:
That doesn't tell me what it is?
--- On Tue, 8/24/10, Russell Hires
From: Russell Hires
Subject: Re: While David was with you...
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 6:20 AM
It's just something I wanted to get back to. I had done this a long time ago, and thought it interesting to do again. So can you give me some kind of run-down on what you guys did for 5 weeks?
On Aug 24, 2010, at 7:15 AM, wrote:
What's up with the PGP signed message stuff in your emails lately?
--- On Mon, 8/23/10, Russell Hires
From: Russell Hires
Subject: While David was with you...
Date: Monday, August 23, 2010, 10:08 PM
Hash: SHA1
Hey...could I get some kind of idea what David was up to for the 5 weeks he was up there? I really have no clue, and he doesn't really want to say much, and I don't feel that I should ask him a bunch of questions...He did tell me about getting kicked out of camp, and you did tell me about the beads and him handling his behavior, but I don't really know much more than that. Can you fill me in?
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